Call for bachelor internships at ICTLab
In the context of the SWARMS project (see the figure) of our ICTLab of USTH, we are looking for ICT bachelor students who prefers to do his/her final internship in the ICTLab. If you get interested, please feel free to contact the supervisors mentioned in the subjects via their email or directly at ICTLab. We will study your application and interviews will be held to select the appropriate candidates.
The internships will be hosted by the ICT lab of USTH. Candidates will be selected according to their academical and programming skills as well as the adequation of their profile with the subject. The selected students may get some extract supporting salary depending on the particular policy of each project.
The detail of the 5 internship subjects can be found in the following links:
Topic 1: Android application development for image, voice and text acquisitions
Topic 2: Nonparametric method for image analysis
Topic 3: Deep learning for image analysis – application to dengue fever risky sites monitoring