ICTLab Poster: SWARMS (Say and Watch: Automated image/sound Recognition for Mobile monitoring Systems)

Abstract: The objective of this project is to obtain a flexible and real-time monitoring network, which could supplement possibly existing (fixed) networks, and could then feed a decision-support system (through models and simulations of evolution scenarios) or support an advanced visualization of the phenomenon to monitor. The main idea is to study in a real context the feasibility of a smartphone-based monitoring network, where the devices are not only used as passive sensors but can also be actively used by their owners to transmit visual, voice and textual pieces of information to the monitoring system, in order to enable stakeholders to analyze and forecast information.
Kick-off Meeting of SWARMS Project
Visit of USTH consortium to ICT Lab
Call for M2 internship students
In the context of the creation of a new research laboratory in ICT at the University of Science and Technology of Hanoï (USTH: http://www.usth.edu.vn/), we are looking for Master 2 internship students for a period of 6 months (starting from March 2015).
Hereafter is a list of four possible subjects. Candidates will be selected according to their academical skills and the adequation of their profile with the subject.