Seminar November 28, 2017 @ ICTLab of USTH
Topic :Semantic Exploration and Integration of Statistical Data
Speaker: Dr, Do Ba Lam, HUST
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
ICTLab Seminar 2017/04/20 @ USTH
Speaker: Prof. Christine Choppy, University Paris Nord, France
Topic: Systematic development of state machines (with formal background)
Date: 2:00pm – 3:00pm, April 20th 2017
Location: Meeting Room, ICTLab, Room 506, USTH building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi.
Workshop on Grid and High Performance Computing
USTH, Hanoi, Vietnam
February 23-24th, 2017
1. Background
Last year, the USTH consortium organized working groups for structuring research in some strategic fields. Two topics were selected in the area of ICT:
- IoT and sensor networks
- grid and high performance computing
In previous years, we observed the emergence of two hot topics which are cloud computing and big data. While these two topics are addressed by many communities of computer sciences, we are here concerned by the infrastructures that are used to host cloud computing and big data platforms.
Such infrastructures are generally called data centers. They are built from the aggregation of many interconnected hardware servers, to provide a computing capacity for hosting cloud or big data applications. Notice that the spectrum of considered applications is very broad and can include (not exhaustively) HPC, simulation, data mining, image processing as well as Web applications.
In this context, we are mainly interested in the software, at the operating system level and middleware level, that is used to exploit such a data center. The overall goal of these software is to efficiently manage ressources (computing, memory, storage, network).
Call for bachelor internships at ICTLab

In the context of the SWARMS project (see the figure) of our ICTLab of USTH, we are looking for ICT bachelor students who prefers to do his/her final internship in the ICTLab. If you get interested, please feel free to contact the supervisors mentioned in the subjects via their email or directly at ICTLab. We will study your application and interviews will be held to select the appropriate candidates.