ICTLab > News and Events > Seminars > ICTLab Seminar 2015/04/07 @ USTH

ICTLab Seminar 2015/04/07 @ USTH

Speaker: Dr. Marie Luong, L2TI University of Paris 13, France
Topic: An effective example learning-based approach for super-resolution of images corrupted by noise.
Date: 1:30pm – 3:00pm, April 7th 2015
Location: Room 606, USTH building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

Abstract:  An effective example learning-based method for super-resolution has been proposed especially for images affected by noise. The objective is to estimate a high-resolution image from a single noisy low-resolution image, with the help of a given database of high and low-resolution image patch pairs. Denoising and super-resolution in this paper is performed on each image patch. For each given input low-resolution patch, its high-resolution version is estimated based on finding a nonnegative sparse linear representation of the input patch over the low-resolution patches from the database, where the coefficients of the representation strongly depend on the similarity between the input patch and the sample patches in the database. The problem of finding the nonnegative sparse linear representation is modeled as a nonnegative quadratic programming problem. The proposed method is especially useful for the case of noise corrupted and low-resolution image. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art super-resolution methods.

Here are some photos of our seminar: