ICTLab > Members > Kevin Chapuis

Kevin Chapuis

Kevin Chapuis

Researcher at ICTLab/USTH (Hanoi, Vietnam)
Room 506, Education and Service Building
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam
kevinchapuis (at) gmail (dot) com

After a master graduation in social sciences & philosophy, Kevin Chapui has done a PhD in computer science at University Pierre et Maris Curie (Paris 6) in 2016. His thesis was about job satisfaction and how agent based modeling can help understanding the impact of job organization on the satisfaction of workers. Until then, he has managed to work on the edges of social sciences and artificial intelligence through the prism of multi-agent paradigm. This led him to work with geographers at IDEES Rouen (France) on the domain of synthetic population — ANR project Gen*. He is currently working at UMMISCO Team / IRD Vietnam, getting involved in Gama platform development, Gen* integration to Kepler and Gama, as well as the development of a city wide escape plan simulator in case of catastrophe based on Gama — ANR project ESCAPE.

Keywords: Multi-agent modelling & simulation, Social Simulation, Synthetic population